
Showing posts from September, 2023

Command Lines Basics in Linux

What are command lines? Command lines are text-based interfaces used to write commands directly onto your device's OS. Similar to how tasks can be performed on windows using clicks and icons, tasks can be performed on the command line using commands and operands. For this tutorial, we will be using Lubuntu, an OS based on Linux. In fact, any OS that has the same underlying commands as Linux will work just fine if you wish to follow along. How do I access my Terminal? Click on the Start button on your taskbar and go to System Tools > QTerminal. You should be met with a screen like the image on the right. Command Lines for navigation Now we are ready to start writing some commands. Those commands operate on the computer's directories, similar to how you would use a File Explorer on Windows. To ease visualizing the processes, please find included the corresponding directories as well as the changes made as screenshots after the commands. Before we start: Keen-eyed readers may h